Monday, September 12, 2011

Proverbs 16:3

Well, it looks like once again I’ve slacked off on my blogging. As stated in my first entry, I only promised to do my best. I am consistent to the fact that every blog entry has been written during my time in Nashville. I guess you could say I feel more inspired here, plus I have less distractions when sitting in a hotel room!

I was thinking earlier that at this time last year I had never even been to Tennessee. Now I have made over a dozen trips to Nashville and with every visit I become more encouraged and inspired. I keep wondering what kept me away for so long. At the risk of sounding too deep for a second blog entry, I will say that it was fear. The fear of failure more than anything.

Everyone has their own way of overcoming their fears. I found it encouraging that the first thing to pop up in my twitter feed this morning was a friend's post with the verse Proverbs 16:3

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

I am blessed to be able to pursue my passion in life. I am confident that God will continue to lead me where he wants me. In the meantime I'm enjoying the ride and excited to see where I land next.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Becoming a Blogger...I think

Hello there blog world...

After much deliberation, I’ve officially made the decision to become a blogger. I’m starting out optimistic that I’ll write frequently, but no promises there.

So much has happened in my life over the past year. It has definitely been a year of change, growth, and excitement. I can attribute much of that to my numerous trips to Nashville, which is what has inspired this blog in the first place. The entire recording experience is something I wouldn’t trade for the world. Since so much happens each trip, hopefully this will give you an inside view of what goes on during my time in Tennesse!

Past trips have been to work on recordings. (I’ll wait to touch on those for a day when I can’t think of what to talk about). This time around I am here for some vocal coaching. I have four 2-hour lessons over the next 10 days. These lessons are basically the anti-voice lessons that I had for 12 years of my life. A lot of the exercises are similar, but instead of round vowels and choral sound, we are aiming to sing more like I talk. Believe me, it sounds a lot simpler than it really is. The smallest changes make such a huge difference in my sound. It is incredibly encouraging!

Other than that, I am spending time with my amazing friends here and going to see the tourist sights of Nashville. Usually I have no down time, so this is a great change of pace! I am in love with all the local coffee shops! I have probably had an unhealthy amount of caffeine! Bonus of the week, I got to squeeze in the Nicki Minaj/Britney Spears concert with Katie Schrodt and Sarah Leyda due to the $18 groupon tickets! Great memories there!

Until next time...