Monday, September 12, 2011

Proverbs 16:3

Well, it looks like once again I’ve slacked off on my blogging. As stated in my first entry, I only promised to do my best. I am consistent to the fact that every blog entry has been written during my time in Nashville. I guess you could say I feel more inspired here, plus I have less distractions when sitting in a hotel room!

I was thinking earlier that at this time last year I had never even been to Tennessee. Now I have made over a dozen trips to Nashville and with every visit I become more encouraged and inspired. I keep wondering what kept me away for so long. At the risk of sounding too deep for a second blog entry, I will say that it was fear. The fear of failure more than anything.

Everyone has their own way of overcoming their fears. I found it encouraging that the first thing to pop up in my twitter feed this morning was a friend's post with the verse Proverbs 16:3

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

I am blessed to be able to pursue my passion in life. I am confident that God will continue to lead me where he wants me. In the meantime I'm enjoying the ride and excited to see where I land next.